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Tops & Flops Stocks

Security Change (%) 1w 1m 1y YTD ▼ 3y 5y
Lumen Technologies Inc. 6.890% 11.296% 15.558% 281.300% 216.228% -48.753% -50.682%
NVIDIA Corp. -3.850% -13.996% -2.520% 111.648% 106.425% 377.231% 9067.654%
UCB S.A. 0.340% -2.495% 8.792% 94.667% 103.518% 62.988% 134.971%
Siemens Energy AG -6.750% -8.617% -3.126% 88.766% 99.582% -4.902% -
Howmet Aerospace Inc. 0.140% -5.672% 1.178% 82.640% 69.224% 212.011% 249.788%
Rolls Royce Holdings plc -3.950% -8.100% 0.147% 116.972% 58.130% 313.076% -39.001%
Progressive Corp. -0.070% -1.687% 14.532% 78.299% 56.198% 176.845% 219.425%
Eli Lilly Corp. -0.730% -6.084% 12.352% 56.130% 54.356% 271.637% 687.744%
NatWest Group plc -3.850% -6.351% 1.512% 44.346% 53.449% 44.657% 70.596%
CNOOC Ltd -0.880% -9.600% 0.893% 37.805% 52.703% 170.335% 65.568%
Universal Health Services B -4.630% -3.704% 7.216% 71.901% 50.725% 58.175% 54.670%
Erie Indemnity Co 0.450% -0.446% 12.626% 75.591% 49.664% 195.364% -
Arch Capital Group -0.200% -2.648% 13.642% 39.343% 48.701% - -
UniCredit SpA -1.350% -3.330% 10.082% 72.259% 47.090% 228.904% 239.024%
Barclays plc -5.070% -4.929% 6.721% 48.987% 45.475% 19.450% 64.706%
Caixabank S.A. 0.450% -2.650% 12.382% 49.290% 44.039% 103.259% 150.420%
Boston Scientific 0.680% 0.000% 9.630% 47.352% 43.857% 95.509% 87.722%
Kellogg Co. -0.080% -0.850% 7.752% 30.753% 43.698% 35.204% 24.086%
HCA Holdings Inc. -2.290% -2.208% 8.328% 36.680% 43.050% 64.195% 205.964%
Hartford Financial Services Group -1.900% -1.887% 7.772% 55.224% 42.466% 80.870% 90.093%
Leidos Holdings Inc. -0.460% -3.869% 5.227% 51.672% 41.378% 64.755% 73.546%