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Is PayPal a Millionaire Maker?

With major indexes in the midst of a raging bull market, it's clear that investors are full of optimism and enthusiasm. But there are still some companies that aren't joining the rally.

Take (NASDAQ: PYPL). It has completely fallen out of favor with the investment community. Its shares sit 78% below their peak price. Since the start of 2023, at a time when the S 500 and Nasdaq Composite have soared, PayPal has dropped 8% (as of March 22).

But if we look out over the long term, can this fintech stock turn things around and be a millionaire maker?

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Paypal Holdings Inc Aktie

61,64 €
3,28 %
Die Paypal Holdings Inc Aktie verzeichnet heute einen großen Anstieg um 3,28 %.
Hohe Buy- und niedrige Sell-Zahlen bei Paypal Holdings Inc zeigen ein stark positives Sentiment.
Ein Kursziel von 78 € für Paypal Holdings Inc würde eine Steigerung von mehr als 20% gegenüber dem aktuellen Kurs von 61.64 € bedeuten.
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