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The States Getting Into Crypto In 2023

Crypto Wallets
  • Nevada is the state showing the most interest in cryptos so far this year
  • California and New York take second and third place
  • Mississippi, West Virginia, and Louisiana make up the states with the fewest crypto enthusiasts

New data reveals that Nevada shows the most interest in cryptocurrency trading.

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The Top States For Crypto Enthusiasm

Research conducted by our experts here at established the search interest for crypto related terms in each state, uncovering the top states for cryptocurrency enthusiasm this year.

  1. Nevada

Nevada comes in as the state with the most interest in Cryptocurrency.

They score highly when searching for cryptocurrency terms, websites, apps, prices, news, and advice in 2023, per capita.

The Silver State has carried out crypto related searches at a rate of almost two thousand per 100k residents, the highest rate in America.

  1. California

California is the state to have carried out the second most crypto searches in America per 100,000 people.

Per capita, this makes for just under 1,900 searches, putting it second on the list.

  1. New York

With population proportional searches falling in at the same as California, just below 1,900 per 100k, the total crypto related search volume of over 360,000 ranks New York in third place.

Considered the financial capital of America and home to Wall Street, it’s perhaps little surprise that cryptocurrency trading proves so popular here.

  1. New Jersey

Just across the Hudson from third placed New York, is fourth placed New Jersey.

Just over 1,800 crypto searches per 100k residents puts New Jersey only marginally behind its neighboring state for cryptocurrency interest.

  1. Washington

Washington State makes number five for crypto enthusiasm with a search volume just below 1,800 per 100k.

Seattle, one of the state’s major cities, is also listed as a one with several jobs for startups that use blockchain technology, by

  1. Florida

Floridians searched crypto terms at a rate of just over 1,750 per 100k population.

A total search volume just below 370,000 actually put the Sunshine State in third place for sheer searches while their proportional crypto interest makes sixth on this list.

  1. Massachusetts

Massachusetts comes in as the seventh most crypto keen state this year with a crypto related search volume per 100k of 1,736 and a total search volume of nearly 120,000.

  1. Colorado

Colorado is the eighth state for cryptocurrency enthusiasts this year. Its per capita searches lie at just over 1,700 per 100k.

  1. Virginia

Virginia’s search volume per capita is 1,675 per 100k residents, with a high total search volume over 142,000, the state makes ninth on the list.

  1. Oregon 

Oregon rounds off the list of crypto enthusiastic states with its crypto searches per 100k residents sitting at 1,654. Its total crypto searches this year has been just below 70,000.

Crypto search vol-100k


One of our top experts here at said:

“Cryptocurrencies kicked off 2023 with their highest levels in months. Cryptocurrency offers freedoms from traditional financial infrastructure and with its constant development, it’s fascinating to keep up to date with the places taking the largest interest in this area.

This data indicates that Nevada is continuing to show huge interest in Cryptocurrency in 2023, after being announced as the ‘most crypto-friendly state’ according to the 2022 SmartAsset study.”

At, we are a crypto education platform also providing advice and reviews regarding crypto gambling sites.

Rank Per 100k Location Total Volume Per 100k Total Volume (not pop. adjusted)
1 Nevada 1,959 59,444
2 California 1,882 744,464
3 New York 1,882 367,784
4 New Jersey 1,811 161,333
5 Washington 1,795 136,687
6 Florida 1,752 379,658
7 Massachusetts 1,736 119,821
8 Colorado 1,710 97,394
9 Virginia 1,675 142,671
10 Oregon 1,654 69,314
11 New Hampshire 1,584 21,486
12 Hawaii 1,573 22,344
13 Minnesota 1,547 86,805
14 Arizona 1,522 109,152
15 Utah 1,512 47,796
16 Illinois 1,474 187,804
17 Michigan 1,452 145,141
18 Connecticut 1,436 51,303
19 Maryland 1,422 85,927
20 Rhode Island 1,414 14,950
21 Texas 1,403 408,911
22 Montana 1,349 14,330
23 Georgia 1,345 141,487
24 North Carolina 1,319 136,960
25 Maine 1,316 17,613
26 Idaho 1,311 22,998
27 Wyoming 1,250 7,222
28 Pennsylvania 1,224 156,758
29 Missouri 1,202 73,640
30 Delaware 1,201 11,616
31 North Dakota 1,201 9,129
32 Wisconsin 1,199 69,705
33 Alaska 1,157 8,532
34 Vermont 1,126 7,052
35 Kansas 1,118 32,551
36 New Mexico 1,095 22,945
37 Tennessee 1,077 72,913
38 Ohio 1,055 123,324
39 South Dakota 1,034 9,122
40 South Carolina 1,028 52,265
41 Nebraska 1,006 19,408
42 Indiana 996 66,651
43 Oklahoma 957 37,735
44 Alabama 952 46,533
45 Iowa 923 29,131
46 Kentucky 898 40,126
47 Arkansas 861 25,949
48 Louisiana 817 38,072
49 West Virginia 734 13,255
50 Mississippi 686 20,332

Source valuewalk

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