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Searches For ‘Could Elon Musk Solve World Hunger” Skyrockets By 1,150%

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People Expect Elon Musk To Solve World Hunger As Searches For ‘Could Elon Musk Solve World Hunger” Skyrockets By 1,150%

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Could Elon Musk Solve World Hunger?

Analysis of Google search data reveals that online searches for the question "Could Elon Musk solve world hunger?" rose by 1,150% Worldwide between 6pm and 10pm on the 31st of October, just as the billionaire challenges World Food Programme (WFP)[GU1]  to explain to him how 2% of his wealth might solve the ongoing phenomenon.

Could Elon Musk Solve World Hunger


A new finding by Income Tax UK reveals that searches for this billion-dollar question has skyrocketed last night, as Musk engaged in a Twitter conversation about an article title that stated that the director of WFP claimed that only 2% of Space X's founder's wealth could solve world hunger.

The article title that quoted "2% of Elon Musk’s wealth could solve world hunger, says director of UN food scarcity organization" got the attention of Musk and the media.

The billionaire answered to this claim on Twitter where he wrote that "If WFP can describe on this Twitter thread exactly how $6B will solve world hunger, I will sell Tesla Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA) stock right now and do it."

He then added "But it must be open-source accounting, so the public sees precisely how the money is spent." challenging the organization to be transparent about their spending.

This made the spectators of the exchange flood the internet with questions regarding the truthfulness of the claims, as Musk’s well-known wealth increased even more overnight as the Tesla stock see a surge in price. In fact, the research found that Tesla stocks grew +36.96 (3.43%) overnight, marking the highest stock price that the vehicles and energy giant has registered in 2021 so far.

Interest From A Simple Twitter Exchange

A spokesperson for Income Tax UK commented on the findings:

"It is fascinating to see how a simple Twitter exchange could trigger such an interest from people, who started to wonder if the director of WFP could be right, and this is actually something that could happen and solve such a severe problem which affects 821 million people every day.

Musk's engagement in the conversation draw attention to an everyday issue that gets often overlooked, and although he challenges the organization to be transparent about their spendings and how they could utilize his money to solve the problem, the trend has drawn more attention to WFP itself and its cause."

Google searches for “WFP” rose 733.3% from 1pm to 4 am (GMT) between the 31st of October and the 1st of November, as well as searches for WFP's director David Beasley, which saw a rise of 669% between 5 pm and 5 am (GMT) of the same days.

David Beasley

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