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BlackRock Promises Not to Upcharge Newly Acquired Real Estate More Than 200%

Blackrock Real Estate eminent domain

BlackRock, one of the largest investment and management companies in the world has been acquiring large amounts of real estate across the United States, often able to get a discount as COVID-19 eviction moratorium ends.

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Disclaimer: This is a satirical article.

Comment On BlackRock Acquring Real Estate

A representative for BlackRock addressed concerns of one company amassing so much land in the country and in a statement given exclusively to The Stonk Market said

“Of course these acquisitions are a part of our strategy, we plan to hold these properties until the real estate market returns to normal levels. We don’t plan to mark up any of these homes more than 200%, we think a 195% return within 2-5 years is realistic on some of these properties.”

Many Twitter users were terrified, one Karl Marx fan saying “This is the worst Capitalism gets, we need a China moment, we need to like do what Mao did and start shooting landlords.” Which was retweeted by AOC.

In other news, Elon Musk has invented a flying pig.

This post first appeared on The Stonk Market

Disclaimer: This is a satirical article.

The post BlackRock Promises Not to Upcharge Newly Acquired Real Estate More Than 200% appeared first on ValueWalk.

Source valuewalk

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