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3 Of The Most Promising B2B Sales Startups For 2021

B2B Sales Startups

With over 590 unicorns currently active as of April 2021, we are entering into a golden age for tech and SaaS-oriented start-ups. As we continue to push forward into an increasingly digital world, (especially one that is being vastly accelerated by a global pandemic), there are now more companies than ever before scrambling to develop new and innovative tools, platforms, and solutions to many of the problems commonly encountered by consumers and businesses.

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Interestingly, the majority of start-ups these days (61%) are offering B2B solutions, according to a Statista report. It’s safe to assume that much of this demand is brought about by how we are finding new ways to implement machine learning, big data, and advanced analytics into our business operations, all of which have opened up a myriad of new options to help drive more profit, improve efficiency, and enhance the customer buying journey.

The Most Promising B2B Sales Start-Ups

One area that has seen a dramatic level of innovation is B2B sales. In recent years, companies have been forced to react to radical changes in buyers’ preferences as they become more content-driven, technically savvy, and comfortable engaging via digital channels. With that in mind, let’s look at four of the most promising B2B sales start-ups for 2021 and what products/services they bring to the industry.

  1. Gong

Gong is a B2B sales tool that helps organizations better understand their consumer’s wants and needs through data-driven insights taken from a wide range of customer interactions.

The patented Gong Revenue Intelligence Platform™ helps sales teams reach their full potential as it captures and understands every interaction, whether it be through email, telephone, webchat, or conference call.

The AI-powered software then breaks them down and delivers key insights to the sales teams, who then use them to win more deals to serve their customers better and present real solutions to their issues and specific pain points. So how does Gong do this? Well, the platform uses patented artificial intelligence technologies to decipher what is stated in these client encounters, which means that it can fully comprehend what is being said in these interactions and the context in which the dialogue is used.

The platform then highlights any potential risks in the sales pipeline, which helps you get a head start on overcoming objections and dealing with issues even before the customer has had a chance to realize them. Not only does this help bring in more sales, but it also helps with customer retention, which can help dramatically boost and maintain revenue streams.

  1. Walnut

Walnut is a 100% codeless sales platform that helps businesses optimize their product demonstrations to boost conversions, gather insights, and improve the overall buyer experience. They achieve this in several ways; firstly, since the platform does not require any coding skills or expert knowledge of any sort, sales teams can take full control over their campaigns which allows them to fully customize, optimize, and tailor the product demonstration to each clients’ particular set of wants or needs.

This reduces cross-departmental conflict, as it removes the sales team’s reliance on back-end teams that would normally get roped into the technical side of drafting a sales demo, such as R&D, graphic design, and product development. Furthermore, once the sales team discovers a winning recipe, they can reuse it as many times as they want without reconstructing the demo and starting from scratch each time. This allows teams to sell more rapidly, bringing in more revenue for the business. Team leaders can also easily view insights into the demos, to see what worked well and where there is room for improvement.

Finally, one of the Walnut platform's biggest perks is that it is hosted on the cloud, which means there is absolutely no chance for technical hiccups and embarrassing glitches that can disrupt and ruin the product demo. This enables sales teams to present it in a secure environment with no downtime and no loading time concerns, providing a high-quality experience for the prospect, which results in boosted conversions.

  1. Rollworks

RollWorks is an account-based (ABM) and B2B marketing growth platform that helps companies align their marketing and sales efforts. The platform identifies and highlights key target accounts and significant buyers for the business before communicating with them across numerous channels. Then, the platform tracks program performance in CRM systems, which can later be used to derive data-driven insights to improve customer experience and lead conversion rates.

Advanced machine learning and an extensive account database fuel the Rollworks platform, which helps companies discover client target accounts and engage them with specific and tailored digital advertisements. These ads have a considerably better click-through and conversion rate since they are more targeted and suited to their target demographic, which helps markets achieve a better ROI on their ad spend and improve the efficiency of their marketing efforts. Furthermore, the RollWorks platform can help enhance sales automation as sales teams can assess the effectiveness of their programs by comparing high intent accounts to others in the pipeline using the data from previous activities.

Final word

It’s safe to say competition is certainly heating up in the B2B sales industry, which is likely music to the ears of many companies around the world who are eagerly searching for new and innovative ways to overcome their present set of challenges. The four start-ups listed in this article have the potential to truly revolutionize the sector, and it will be interesting to see how B2B companies incorporate these tools into their business operations and find more value for their clients.

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