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Tops & Flops Stocks

Security Change (%) 1w 1m 1y ▼ YTD 3y 5y
Arca Continental -4.520% -0.671% -17.778% 60.173% 60.173% 60.173% 60.173%
Goodman Group Units 2.440% 8.605% 5.889% 59.880% 42.853% 58.590% 156.134%
Persimmon plc 0.080% 3.681% 2.067% 59.744% 24.688% -39.265% -14.639%
SAP SE ADR 0.500% 3.093% 2.564% 58.730% 43.885% 63.934% 88.679%
Lennar Corp. A -0.500% 4.221% 9.345% 58.254% 27.182% 99.953% 247.001%
Telia Company AB 0.640% 1.596% 10.206% 57.961% 29.481% -16.951% -26.673%
Leidos Holdings Inc. -0.360% -0.572% 3.501% 57.540% 42.454% 77.549% 77.481%
SAP SE -0.550% 2.797% 2.041% 57.374% 43.217% 63.580% 84.669%
Dogecoin 1.229% -1.518% -1.304% 57.093% 9.530% -55.664% -
Intuitive Surgical Inc -1.460% -0.979% 0.104% 56.862% 42.217% 47.490% 172.437%
Pandora A/S -2.560% 1.860% 8.667% 56.476% 25.482% 36.930% 286.195%
KLA-Tencor Corp. 0.020% 2.876% -10.458% 56.100% 25.174% 111.005% 382.801%
Commerzbank AG ADR 1.330% 20.635% 24.590% 55.897% 44.762% 176.364% 164.348%
CrowdStrike Holdings Inc 0.500% 7.632% 1.596% 55.811% 4.810% 7.776% -
CRH plc -0.030% 3.478% 5.240% 55.517% - 89.347% 160.000%
American Express Co. 1.700% 7.324% 4.621% 55.501% 40.459% 70.912% 122.186%
MTU Aero Engines AG -3.100% -1.825% 0.411% 54.820% 37.490% 42.253% 11.526%
Lennox International Inc. 1.250% 8.215% 6.119% 54.802% 34.975% 100.000% 156.975%
Novozymes A/S B -1.590% -0.927% 4.873% 54.795% 24.483% -5.633% 55.299%
Costco Wholesale -0.930% -0.444% 2.242% 54.626% 34.662% 105.970% 206.725%
Xiaomi Corp. 1.860% 4.202% 10.460% 54.545% 23.596% -10.758% -
LEO Token 2.898% 4.296% 0.832% 54.394% 46.260% - -
Chainlink 0.411% 0.732% 1.970% 53.488% -31.823% -60.117% -
Seagate Technology.Holdings plc 0.020% -0.981% -0.477% 53.468% 17.162% 28.635% 80.039%
Hartford Financial Services Group -0.950% -0.943% 3.960% 53.285% 43.836% 76.471% 92.837%