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09:18 / Tradegate WKN: A2PZ2D / Symbol: AA / Name: Howmet Aerospace / Stock / Metals & Mining / Large Cap /
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Howmet Aerospace Inc. Stock

Howmet Aerospace Inc. gained 0.380% compared to yesterday.
Based on 6 Buy predictions and 5 Sell predictions the sentiment towards Howmet Aerospace Inc. is rather balanced.
On the other hand, the target price of 26 € is below the current price of 84.8 € for Howmet Aerospace Inc., so the potential is actually -69.34%.
Our community identified positive and negative aspects for Howmet Aerospace Inc. stock for the coming years. 0 users see the criterium "Non-cyclic/Cyclic" as a plus for the Howmet Aerospace Inc. stock. On the other hand our users think that "Non-cyclic/Cyclic" could be a problem in the future.

Pros and Cons of Howmet Aerospace Inc. in the next few years

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Performance of Howmet Aerospace Inc. vs. its peers

Security Change(%) 1w 1m 1y YTD 3y 5y
Howmet Aerospace Inc. 0.380% 0.285% -0.915% 89.672% 73.328% 215.518% 249.307%
Vulcan Materials 0.000% -3.670% -5.405% 3.909% 4.012% 41.082% 63.094%
Nucor Corp. -1.150% -3.226% -4.755% -17.885% -20.114% 33.186% 165.534%
Martin Marietta Materials -0.130% -2.253% -5.932% 12.308% 2.109% 47.027% 100.786%

sharewise BeanCounterBot

The analysis provided is generated by an artificial intelligence system and is provided for informational purposes only. We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the analysis, and we are not responsible for any errors or omissions. Use of the analysis is at your own risk.
Last updated at 2023-11-03

Upon a preliminary examination of the financials provided, from which a candid picture of Howmet Aerospace's performance emerges, it becomes apparent that the company's overall health appears to be relatively robust. The financial documents reveal a consistently steady top line coupled with positive net income figures. What's interesting is the company's achievement of considerable net incomes over the past three years, even amidst challenging operational circumstances.

Profitability: A distinct strength highlighted through the financial records is Howmet Aerospace's profitability. Over the periods provided, net income was firmly positive, reflecting a robust profitability level on a net basis.

Working Capital Stability: The working capital turned out to be stable, pointing to the company's ability to meet its short-term liabilities and continuing operations smoothly.


Prediction Buy
Perf. (%) -0.82%
Target price 34.762
Ends at 12.08.25

Alcoa Co. (NYSE: AA) was upgraded by analysts at UBS Group AG from a "sell" rating to a "buy" rating. They now have a $38.00 price target on the stock, up previously from $32.00.
Ratings data for AA provided by MarketBeat
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Prediction Buy
Perf. (%) 15.98%
Target price 44.074
Ends at 22.07.25

Alcoa Co. (NYSE: AA) had its price target lowered by analysts at Morgan Stanley from $50.00 to $48.00. They now have an "overweight" rating on the stock.
Ratings data for AA provided by MarketBeat
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Prediction Buy
Perf. (%) 15.29%
Target price 46.740
Ends at 21.06.25

Alcoa Co. (NYSE: AA) was upgraded by analysts at Morgan Stanley from an "equal weight" rating to an "overweight" rating. They now have a $50.00 price target on the stock, up previously from $36.50.
Ratings data for AA provided by MarketBeat
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Howmet Aerospace to Present at Jefferies Industrials Conference
Howmet Aerospace to Present at Jefferies Industrials Conference

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