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Tops & Flops Stocks

Security Change (%) 1w 1m 1y YTD 3y ▲ 5y
MagForce AG - 0.000% 0.000% -50.000% -37.500% -99.986% -99.989%
NeXR Technologies SE -12.500% -12.500% -30.000% -80.000% 75.000% -99.770% -99.696%
Helma Eigenheimbau AG -2.910% -3.846% -27.419% -94.743% -94.444% -99.668% -99.436%
Verianos Real Estate AG 300.000% 33.333% 100.000% -99.223% -99.000% -99.592% -99.706%
Creditshelf Aktiengesellschaft - 233.333% 233.333% -96.396% -95.392% -99.531% -99.692%
Ahlers AG ST -6.670% -6.250% -21.053% -54.545% 25.000% -99.522% -99.695%
Varta AG -9.790% -12.585% -24.755% -92.423% -92.577% -98.833% -98.287%
ROY Ceramics SE - -70.000% -70.000% -94.118% 500.000% -98.636% -98.875%
Umt United Mobility Tech. AG -17.690% -20.287% -22.817% -88.491% -67.366% -97.759% -92.875%
Esprit Holdings ADR - 0.000% -27.778% -93.194% -91.824% -95.608% -97.777%
Mynaric AG 6.330% -12.034% -78.456% -83.132% -85.311% -95.383% -92.549%
Investunity AG VZO - 0.000% 0.000% -16.667% -28.571% -94.369% -84.375%
Basler AG -5.270% -2.406% 1.523% -30.373% -19.430% -94.154% -76.015%
Accentro Real Estate AG 23.270% 21.026% 54.248% -73.029% -56.296% -94.063% -94.025%
Publity AG - -16.667% 0.000% -93.590% -92.424% -93.483% -96.302%
HelloFresh SE -1.380% -9.451% 31.162% -76.902% -52.998% -92.733% -45.583%
Noratis AG -6.980% 8.000% -33.058% -80.123% -75.077% -92.249% -92.174%
Mobotix AG -18.370% -18.239% -12.752% -75.926% -63.889% -91.034% -92.442%
Gigaset AG -9.580% -3.012% 11.034% -91.297% 31.429% -90.878% -90.955%
Vivoryon Therapeutics N.V. -2.840% -8.345% -6.603% -83.832% -75.547% -90.834% -69.088%
Manz AG -0.380% -3.273% -0.746% -63.107% -57.097% -90.634% -68.669%
Alba SE 0.760% 0.000% -9.722% -53.069% -39.535% -89.076% -90.780%
ERWE Immobilien AG 12.800% 12.805% 1.648% 1.093% 42.308% -88.788% -87.987%
Vivanco Gruppe AG 1.000% 1.000% 1.000% -42.938% -22.901% -88.652% -94.420% AG 2.450% 3.858% -5.405% -11.168% 14.754% -87.226% -93.289%