Sartorius AG ST Stock
Your prediction
Sartorius AG ST Stock
Sartorius is a German-based biotech and laboratory equipment company that is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol SARTF. The company provides products and services for the pharmaceutical, biotech, and food industries, including laboratory instruments, consumables, and services. Sartorius has a global presence with operations in Europe, Asia, and the Americas, and has a strong reputation for innovation, quality, and reliability. The company's stock has performed well in recent years, reflecting its solid financial results and growth prospects in the life sciences industry.
Pros and Cons of Sartorius AG ST in the next few years
Performance of Sartorius AG ST vs. its peers
Security | Change(%) | 1w | 1m | 1y | YTD | 3y | 5y |
Sartorius AG ST | 0.640% | -5.707% | -1.042% | -34.256% | -28.030% | -76.716% | 19.874% |
Sartorius AG VZO | 0.550% | -4.819% | -1.782% | -33.539% | -28.571% | -59.404% | 33.747% |
Healthequity Inc. | -2.720% | 2.878% | 12.598% | 14.400% | 20.168% | 31.822% | 38.593% |
Integer Hldg | -0.860% | -0.855% | 13.725% | 54.667% | 30.337% | 44.099% | 75.412% |
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The analysis provided is generated by an artificial intelligence system and is provided for informational purposes only. We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the analysis, and we are not responsible for any errors or omissions. Use of the analysis is at your own risk.Sartorius is an established player in the Healthcare Equipment & Supplies industry, and their financials reflect a strong position in the market. The company has displayed consistent growth in revenues, assets, and shareholder equity over the years. However, there are certain aspects of their financials that may warrant closer scrutiny.
Increasing Revenue: Sartorius has experienced consistent growth in its total revenue over the past three years, increasing from €2,335,657,000 in 2020 to €4,174,700,000 in 2022.
Growth in Total Assets: The company has reported a substantial increase in its total assets, which rose from €4,697,348,000 in 2020 to €6,977,700,000 in 2022. This demonstrates a strong financial position and the potential for further growth.