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iPhone X Availability Is Impressive Ahead of Christmas

iPhone X Availability Is Impressive Ahead of Christmas

With the iPhone X launching more than a month after Apple's (NASDAQ: AAPL) typical new iPhone releases, there was good reason for investors to believe production of the device could fail to ramp up on time for sufficient availability before Christmas. But with Christmas now only two weeks away, it's looking like it's easy for customers get their hands on an iPhone before Dec. 25.

As ship times continue to improve for the iPhone X, this adds to a growing list of reasons to expect a huge holiday quarter from the tech giant. Here's a look at iPhone X availability ahead of Christmas and what this means for Apple's holiday quarter.

Image source: Apple.

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Apple Inc. Aktie

173,20 €
0,51 %
Apple Inc. kann heute leichte Zuwächse vorweisen. Die Aktie notiert im Vergleich zu gestern um 0,51 % höher.
Die Community bevorzugt leicht Apple Inc., mit etwas mehr Buy- (80) als Sell-Einschätzungen (6).
Ein Kursziel von 199 € für Apple Inc. impliziert ein leicht positives Wachstum gegenüber dem aktuellen Kurs von 173.2 €.
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