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Will 2018 Be Visa Inc.'s Best Year Yet?

Will 2018 Be Visa Inc.'s Best Year Yet?

For credit card giant Visa (NYSE: V), 2017 is a hard year to beat. Already huge, the company grew to even more immense size, with several quarters that blew past analyst expectations for growth.

What's particularly admirable about this is that Visa operates in a quickly shifting landscape for commerce, in which electronic payments are becoming the rule rather than the exception. It isn't easy to keep growing when you're massive, particularly when your industry is very much in a state of flux. So given this challenge, what are the chances 2018 will be a banner year for the company?

Image source: Getty Images

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255,75 €
-0,31 %
Die Visa Inc. A Aktie zeigt heute einen leichten Rückgang von -0,31 %.
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Das Community-Kursziel von 279 € für Visa Inc. A deutet auf ein leicht positives Wachstumspotenzial gegenüber 255.75 € hin.
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