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Why Wind and Solar Energy Costs Aren’t Dropping Like They Used To

Why Wind and Solar Energy Costs Aren’t Dropping Like They Used To

For the last two decades, the costs of wind and solar energy have been dropping like a rock, driving adoption around the world. In the early 2000s, neither energy source was competitive with fossil fuel power generators without massive subsidies, something that's changed today. 

But there's no denying that the pace of cost reductions in renewable energy is falling. That might be a sign that the industry is maturing, which could be good long-term. 

Image source: Getty Images.

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First Solar Inc. Aktie

252,50 €
-1,20 %
Die First Solar Inc. Aktie hat heute Verluste von -1,20 % aufzuweisen.
Überwältigendes Buy-Interesse für First Solar Inc.: 41 Buy-Einschätzungen ohne eine einzige Sell-Einschätzung.
Ein unerwartetes negatives Potenzial von -1.78% für First Solar Inc., trotz eines niedrigeren Kursziels von 248 € als der aktuelle Kurs von 252.5 €.
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