Microsoft selbst warnt vor der Verwendung von Internet Explorer, da er nicht mehr den neuesten Web- und Sicherheitsstandards entspricht. Wir können daher nicht garantieren, dass die Seite im Internet Explorer in vollem Umfang funktioniert. Nutze bitte Chrome oder Firefox.

Why Unilever Stock Jumped on Tuesday

Unilever (NYSE: UL) shares jumped out of the gate on Tuesday, rising 3% compared to a 0.2% drop in the S 500. That boost erased just a small portion of the losses that shareholders have seen recently, though. The consumer staples giant's stock is up just 2% in the past year, while the wider market has rallied by over 30%.

Tuesday's uptick was sparked by news that Unilever is making aggressive moves aimed at boosting profit margins and reaccelerating growth.

Unilever is planning to spin off its ice cream business that's anchored by the Ben Jerry's and Magnum brands, executives said in a press release before the market opened. That move will help the company save cash while focusing more on its core business lines.

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Unilever plc Aktie

48,15 €
1,84 %
Heute geht es für Unilever plc deutlich aufwärts mit einem Zuwachs von 1,84 %.

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