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Why Stagwell Stock Zoomed Nearly 20% Higher on Hump Day

Healthcare-focused media and public relations agency (NASDAQ: STGW) managed to generate its own positive publicity on Wednesday. The company announced a large asset sale, and investors were pleased with the news as evidenced by the stock's nearly 20% rise across that trading day. This made it something of a standout on a day when the gloomy S 500 index declined by 1.4%.

That afternoon, Stagwell announced that it agreed to sell ConcentricLife, its marketing agency and pharmaceutical-commercialization vehicle, to consultancy Accenture. The ultimate recipient will be the latter company's Accenture Song creative unit, and the price is $245 million in cash.

The move is part of a slimming and consolidation effort by Stagwell. Under this strategy, it will narrow its focus to its core digital services.

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Stagwell Inc. Aktie

5,60 €
0,90 %
Heute geht es für Stagwell Inc. leicht aufwärts mit einem Zuwachs von 0,90 %.

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