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Why Solana, Chainlink, and Polygon Popped This Week

The crypto market really came to life this week as speculation got to a fevered pitch over the potential approval of a Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC) ETF. Nothing has been given the go-ahead by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) yet, but investors are definitely getting out in front of the potential news with Bitcoin up 14% over the past week. 

More interesting moves came from smaller tokens that could provide utility to the industry. According to data provided by S&P Global Market Intelligence, as of 3 p.m. ET, the value of Chainlink (CRYPTO: LINK) is up 44% since the market's close last week, Solana (CRYPTO: SOL) is up 18.2%, and Polygon (CRYPTO: MATIC) has jumped 13.2%. 

What jumped out to me this week was and Chainlink working together to "demonstrate the transformation of global trade through blockchain innovation." 

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Vodafone Group Aktie

0,81 €
0,65 %
Heute erlebt Vodafone Group einen kleinen Gewinn von 0,65 %.
Noch kein Trend absehbar bei Vodafone Group mit nur einigen Einschätzungen.
Das von der Community festgelegte Kursziel für Vodafone Group von 1 € impliziert eine deutliche Steigerung gegenüber dem aktuellen Kurs von 0.81 €.
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