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Why Illumina Stock Mashed the Market on Monday

Gene-sequencing stock (NASDAQ: ILMN) was a standout in the biotech sector Monday, with its share-price rise convincingly beating the S 500 index. Investors were cheered by a stock buy made by a high-profile insider. As a result, its shares closed the day almost 3% higher, while the bellwether index slid by almost 0.4%.

The insider doing the buying was none other than Illumina's CEO Jacob Thaysen. According to a regulatory document filed on Monday, Thaysen made three stock purchases the previous Thursday. All told, the CEO picked up 7,300 shares of the biotech at prices ranging from $134.91 to $137.18 apiece. That purchase more than doubled his holdings. According to the regulatory document, he now owns 14,861 shares.

None of these figures are immense when compared to Illumina's position on the stock market. At the moment, the biotech has nearly 159 million shares outstanding, and its market cap approaches $22 billion.

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Illumina Inc. Aktie

109,52 €
-5,45 %
Heute geht es für Illumina Inc. stark abwärts mit einem Rückgang von -5,45 %.
Die Illumina Inc. Aktie ist etwas beliebter: Mehr Buy- (17) als Sell-Einschätzungen (4).
Für Illumina Inc. sieht die Community ein Kursziel von 177 €, was eine erhebliche Steigerung um über 50% gegenüber dem aktuellen Kurs von 109.52 € bedeutet.
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