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Why Fisker Stock Suddenly Dropped 6% on Wednesday

Shares of Fisker (NYSE: FSR), the Californian electric car maker that builds its EVs in Austria, tumbled 6.2% through noon ET on Wednesday.

To figure out why, just look at what's happening right next door to Fisker's manufacturing plant, in Germany.

Fisker is not a large EV company -- yet. In all of 2023, the company says it sold only about 4,700 units of its Fisker Ocean electric SUV around the world. But already, the company is selling in at least a dozen countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States.

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Kingdom Holdings Ltd Aktie

0,13 €
-3,76 %
Die Kingdom Holdings Ltd Aktie erleidet heute einen großen Rückgang von -3,76 %.

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