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Why Bitcoin, Solana, and Near Protocol Jumped on Wednesday

The crypto market continued its bullish run on Wednesday with most of the major cryptocurrencies moving higher. There wasn't any major news about the industry overall, but small tidbits are giving investors enough reason to buy.

Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC) is up 3.2% over the last 24 hours as of 4 p.m. ET, Solana (CRYPTO: SOL) has jumped 10%, and Near Protocol (CRYPTO: NEAR) is up a whopping 18.6%.

Last night it was announced that Blackrock, , and the Securities and Exchange Commission met yesterday for a second time to discuss rule changes to list a Bitcoin exhcnage-traded fund (ETF). The possibility of an ETF coming to market has been speculation all year and these appear to be at least small steps toward making that a reality.

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Sol Aktie

30,90 €
-1,44 %
Abwärts geht es heute für die Sol Aktie. Seit gestern notiert das Papier um -1,44 % tiefer.

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