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What Managed Care Organizations Are, and How Investors Can Profit From Them

Most Americans get their healthcare through a managed care organization, but nearly no one truly knows the ins and outs of the health insurance program they have. Managed care organizations are plans that insurance companies set up as a framework for healthcare benefits, and the idea behind managed care is to drive behavior that minimizes costs for benefits providers while also giving plan participants financial incentives to control their healthcare expenses. As a healthcare consumer, you'll likely have to deal with a managed care organization as a participant. As an investor, you can profit from the efforts that insurers take to make their managed care organizations as financially efficient and lucrative as possible.

Managed Care Plan Insurer

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UnitedHealth Group Inc. Aktie

462,95 €
0,54 %
Leicht aufwärts geht es heute für die UnitedHealth Group Inc. Aktie. Seit gestern notiert das Papier um 0,54 % höher.
Mit 33 Buy-Einschätzungen und nur 1 Sell-Einschätzungen ist UnitedHealth Group Inc. einer der Lieblinge unserere Community.
Ein positives Kurspotenzial für UnitedHealth Group Inc. ist gegeben, mit einem Kursziel von 543 € über dem aktuellen Kurs von 462.95 €.
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