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Up 100%, Is Now the Time to Buy Solana?

Last year was disastrous for many cryptocurrencies, including Solana (CRYPTO: SOL). As inflation raged higher and the economy weakened, many investors preferred assets known for a certain level of safety. And that means they turned their backs on the newish industry of cryptocurrency.

There are two pieces of good news here, though. First, this movement isn't a reflection of a problem with any particular cryptocurrency. And second, these moves, based on what's going on in the economy, are temporary.

Investors already are feeling more confident about cryptocurrency. Market value has climbed to more than $1 trillion from $800 billion at the start of the year. And Solana has soared more than 100%. Is now the time to buy this once shining star of the crypto market?

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Sol Aktie

30,90 €
-1,44 %
Abwärts geht es heute für die Sol Aktie. Seit gestern notiert das Papier um -1,44 % tiefer.

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