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UnitedHealth Sees a Healthier Future

UnitedHealth Sees a Healthier Future

Healthcare is front and center in Washington once more, and lawmakers have made little progress toward making anticipated changes on the insurance front. In the absence of more reform efforts, health insurance giant UnitedHealth Group (NYSE: UNH) continues to walk its own path, making key strategic decisions intended to support the insurer's profitability while still retaining its customer base.

Coming into Tuesday's second-quarter financial report, UnitedHealth investors were optimistic that the insurance company's efforts would pay off with broad growth in sales and earnings. The company's results largely bore those expectations out, and UnitedHealth again boosted its 2017 profit guidance to reflect the success it has had. Let's look more closely at UnitedHealth and what its results mean for investors going forward.

Image source: UnitedHealth.

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UnitedHealth Group Inc. Aktie

462,95 €
0,54 %
Leicht aufwärts geht es heute für die UnitedHealth Group Inc. Aktie. Seit gestern notiert das Papier um 0,54 % höher.
Mit 33 Buy-Einschätzungen und nur 1 Sell-Einschätzungen ist UnitedHealth Group Inc. einer der Lieblinge unserere Community.
Ein positives Kurspotenzial für UnitedHealth Group Inc. ist gegeben, mit einem Kursziel von 543 € über dem aktuellen Kurs von 462.95 €.
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