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This Unstoppable Auto Stock Has Tripled in the Last 5 Years: Is It Time to Buy?

When thinking about car manufacturers, Tesla will likely come to investors' minds first. Perhaps Detroit automakers like Ford Motor Company or General Motors will also get some attention.

But there's a top automotive stock that has crushed it for shareholders in the past five years that you might not immediately think about. Its shares have more than tripled in value since March 2019. I'm talking about Italian luxury vehicle business (NYSE: RACE).

With the stock racing to all-time highs, is it time to buy this massive market outperformer?

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Ferrari NV Aktie

392,90 €
-0,33 %
Ein geringfügiger Verlust für Ferrari NV heute, um -0,33 %.
Die Ferrari NV Aktie wird von der Community mit mehreren Buy-Einschätzungen unterstützt.
Ein leicht positives Potenzial wird für Ferrari NV mit einem Kursziel von 412 € im Vergleich zu 392.9 € gesehen.
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