Microsoft selbst warnt vor der Verwendung von Internet Explorer, da er nicht mehr den neuesten Web- und Sicherheitsstandards entspricht. Wir können daher nicht garantieren, dass die Seite im Internet Explorer in vollem Umfang funktioniert. Nutze bitte Chrome oder Firefox.

This Is HubSpot Stock's Biggest Problem in 2024

Shares of customer relationship management software provider (NYSE: HUBS) have doubled since bottoming out at the beginning of 2023. However, the story becomes more muddled if you zoom out a bit. Even after this momentous rally, HubSpot stock is still down 30% from its pandemic-era high.

HubSpot's revenue growth rate has slowed since the days of the pandemic, but the company is still growing at an impressive rate, given its size. Revenue jumped 24% year over year in the fourth quarter of 2023, and the company expects its annual revenue this year to rise by 18% and surpass $2.5 billion. Against the backdrop of an uncertain economic environment, HubSpot's results look impressive.

A software-as-a-service (SaaS) company like HubSpot grows in two ways: winning new customers, and convincing existing customers to spend more. HubSpot is having no trouble at all winning new customers. The company ended 2023 with 205,091 customers, up 23% from the end of 2022.

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Hubspot Inc. Aktie

589,80 €
-0,30 %
Leichte Verluste bei der Hubspot Inc. Aktie heute, ein Rückgang um -0,30 %.

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