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The Solar + Energy Storage Space Has a Surprising Power Player (And It's Not Tesla)

The Solar + Energy Storage Space Has a Surprising Power Player (And It's Not Tesla)

Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) was supposed to be the big name in solar and energy storage, leveraging the Powerwall for homes and Powerpack for businesses and using its SolarCity operations to push systems out into the wild. But Tesla is shrinking its solar ambitions and doesn't seem to have much interest in being a leader in anything but utility-scale energy storage.

That presents an opportunity for the rest of the industry, and SunPower (NASDAQ: SPWR) is taking a surprisingly aggressive approach to its energy storage ambitions. Long-term, it could be a huge differentiator for the company. 

Image source: SunPower.

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Sunpower Corp. Aktie

2,74 €
1,23 %
Die Sunpower Corp. Aktie zeigt heute einen mittleren Anstieg von 1,23 %.
Die Community unterstützt Sunpower Corp. nicht stark, mit mehr Sell- als Buy-Einschätzungen.
Ein unerwartetes positives Potenzial von 82.48% für Sunpower Corp., trotz eines höheren Kursziels von 5 € als der aktuelle Kurs von 2.74 €.
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