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The Country's Biggest Insurer Got Even Bigger in Q3

The Country's Biggest Insurer Got Even Bigger in Q3

UnitedHealth Group (NYSE: UNH) is the largest health insurer in the country, and strong financial results in the third quarter show the company's still growing in spite of its decision last year to discontinue selling Obamacare plans in most states. Baby boomers' interest in Medicare Advantage plans is a big reason this company's sales and earnings are still increasing, but with health insurance reform looming, can UnitedHealth Group continue delivering upside to investors?

UnitedHealth provides insurance coverage to individuals directly, through their employer, or through government programs, including Medicare and Medicaid.


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UnitedHealth Group Inc. Aktie

462,95 €
0,54 %
Leicht aufwärts geht es heute für die UnitedHealth Group Inc. Aktie. Seit gestern notiert das Papier um 0,54 % höher.
Mit 33 Buy-Einschätzungen und nur 1 Sell-Einschätzungen ist UnitedHealth Group Inc. einer der Lieblinge unserere Community.
Ein positives Kurspotenzial für UnitedHealth Group Inc. ist gegeben, mit einem Kursziel von 543 € über dem aktuellen Kurs von 462.95 €.
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