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The 5 Largest Solar Projects in the World (and the U.S. Doesn't Hold the Title)

The 5 Largest Solar Projects in the World (and the U.S. Doesn't Hold the Title)

Image source: First Solar.

The U.S. used to be the home of some of the biggest solar farms in the world and really pioneered the solar industry as we know it today. Modern solar cells and manufacturing techniques were developed here, and they make the solar industry we know possible. 

But today's solar industry is dominated by Asian companies, and countries such as India and China are making U.S. solar installations look low by comparison. And both countries have taken the title of largest solar plant, which the U.S. once proudly held. 

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First Solar Inc. Aktie

259,15 €
0,50 %
First Solar Inc. kann heute leichte Zuwächse vorweisen. Die Aktie notiert im Vergleich zu gestern um 0,50 % höher.
Klare Kaufstimmung: First Solar Inc. hat 42 Buy-Einschätzungen und keine Sell-Einschätzung.
Für First Solar Inc. ergibt sich ein negatives Potenzial von -3.14%, obwohl das Kursziel von 251 € unter dem aktuellen Kurs von 259.15 € liegt.
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