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Technical Analysis Report | 21.01.2021

In the new technical analysis report, you will find the Future Contracts of Dax and Nasdaq, which could be their next move? In FX, how is the U.S. Dollar going to react against the Euro and the Australian Dollar? While in commodities, will the fall for Natural Gas continue? Is Brent Crude Oil pausing after the rally?

Spdr Bloom.sasb Eur Corp.esg Aktie

26,45 €
0,17 %
Die Spdr Bloom.sasb Eur Corp.esg Aktie notiert heute etwas höher, mit einem Anstieg von 0,17 %.

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About Us

Finance Club UniPi is administrated exclusively by University of Piraeus Students. Our goal is to assist our members to develop the necessary skills for their professional future in the field of finance. Each student will have the chance to apply his/her academic knowledge into real world practices  and contribute to the club’s community.


The Club consists of 3 different working groups, therefore 3
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