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Military Leaders See Solar and Energy Storage as Differentiator

Military Leaders See Solar and Energy Storage as Differentiator

There might be a debate in the political world about the value of solar energy and energy storage for the grid, businesses, and homeowners. But there doesn't seem to be any disagreement in the military over the value of solar energy, both in the field and at bases in the U.S. 

Solar and energy storage could increase security for thousands of troops across the country, and in the next decade the military could be a huge source of growth for the industry. 

Image source: Getty Images.

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First Solar Inc. Aktie

255,85 €
-0,78 %
First Solar Inc. muss heute leichte Verluste wegstecken. Die Aktie notiert im Vergleich zu gestern um -0,78 % tiefer.
Klare Kaufstimmung: First Solar Inc. hat 41 Buy-Einschätzungen und keine Sell-Einschätzung.
Für First Solar Inc. ergibt sich ein negatives Potenzial von -2.68%, obwohl das Kursziel von 249 € unter dem aktuellen Kurs von 255.85 € liegt.
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