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If You Invested $25,000 in Intuitive Surgical In 2020, This Is How Much You Would Have Today

Robotic-assisted surgery is a great example of a long-term trend in the healthcare industry that growth investors may want to consider investing in. One company at the center of all that is Intuitive Surgical (NASDAQ: ISRG), which makes the da Vinci system. The system can make it easier for surgeons to perform operations, even complex ones, while giving them clear high-definition, 3D views.

Would investing in this business back in 2020 have been a good move for investors? Let's have a look at how the stock has performed since then and evaluate its performance against the broader market and whether it's a good investment moving forward.

On the first day of trading in 2020, Intuitive Surgical stock closed at a price of just over $199. If you were to make a $25,000 investment into the company back then, that would have been enough to allow you to acquire approximately 126 shares of the business.

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Vinci S.A. Aktie

111,10 €
0,68 %
Leicht aufwärts geht es heute für die Vinci S.A. Aktie. Seit gestern notiert das Papier um 0,68 % höher.
Aktuell gibt es mit 0 Sell-Einschätzungen und 1 Buy-Einschätzungen noch kein wirkliches Sentiment für die Vinci S.A. Aktie.
Das Community-Kursziel von 120 € für Vinci S.A. deutet auf ein leicht positives Wachstumspotenzial gegenüber 111.1 € hin.
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