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How Canadian Solar Inc. Makes Most of Its Money

How Canadian Solar Inc. Makes Most of Its Money

Canadian Solar (NASDAQ: CSIQ) is one of the biggest solar manufacturers in the world and has become one of the biggest solar project developers as well. That gives some diversity to the company's business, but it can complicate the company's financials as well. 

Below, I'll take a look at where Canadian Solar's revenue comes from and where we can expect it to grow in the future. 

Image source: Getty Images.

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Canadian Solar Inc. Aktie

15,96 €
6,99 %
Heute gewinnt die Canadian Solar Inc. Aktie deutlich an Wert, ein Anstieg von 6,99 %.
Die Canadian Solar Inc. Aktie steht recht gut da: Mehr Buy- als Sell-Einschätzungen in der Community.
Die Community erwartet für Canadian Solar Inc. ein Kursziel von 44 €, was den aktuellen Kurs von 15.96 € mehr als verdoppeln würde.
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