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Elective Surgeries Are On the Rise: 3 Stocks That Can Benefit From This Trend

Health insurance companies UnitedHealth Group and Humana have warned investors that costs are going up as demand for surgeries is on the rise. People put off surgeries during the early stages of the pandemic, but now as things go back to normal, there is pent-up demand.

While that might be bad news for health insurers, multiple other businesses can benefit from these trends, including Intuitive Surgical (NASDAQ: ISRG)Medtronic (NYSE: MDT), and Stryker (NYSE: SYK).

Intuitive Surgical makes robotic-assisted systems that help make surgery more precise and efficient. An uptick in surgeries can result in more companies seeking out Intuitive's da Vinci devices, and for those who already have them, that can mean more procedures. Instruments and accessories generate the bulk of Intuitive's recurring revenue, so an increase in procedures is good for business.

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Vinci S.A. Aktie

111,10 €
0,68 %
Leicht aufwärts geht es heute für die Vinci S.A. Aktie. Seit gestern notiert das Papier um 0,68 % höher.
Aktuell gibt es mit 0 Sell-Einschätzungen und 1 Buy-Einschätzungen noch kein wirkliches Sentiment für die Vinci S.A. Aktie.
Das Community-Kursziel von 120 € für Vinci S.A. deutet auf ein leicht positives Wachstumspotenzial gegenüber 111.1 € hin.
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