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Coca-Cola Tweaks Its Financial Strategy

Coca-Cola Tweaks Its Financial Strategy

During Coca-Cola's (NYSE: KO) investor day conference last week, CFO Kathy Waller used the final speaking spot to tie various strategic threads together, describing changes in Coca-Cola's financial model that will help the company achieve its near-term goals.

In this final part of a series in which we've reviewed Coca-Cola's new priorities and brand narrative strategy, let's walk through three important adjustments Waller outlined that will be crucial to Coca-Cola's success through 2020.

Image source: The Coca-Cola Company.  

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Coca-Cola Co. Aktie

58,21 €
-0,15 %
Heute muss Coca-Cola Co. einen kleinen Kursrückgang von -0,15 % hinnehmen.
Klare Kaufempfehlung: Coca-Cola Co. erhält nur Buy-Einschätzungen.
Ein Kursziel von 63 € für Coca-Cola Co. impliziert ein leicht positives Wachstum gegenüber dem aktuellen Kurs von 58.21 €.
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