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Chamath Palihapitiya Says Voice Will Be the "Front Door" for the Next Phase of Artificial Intelligence (AI): Here Are Some Ways to Explore the Investment Opportunity

Artificial intelligence (AI) has taken the world by storm during the past year and a half. Breakthroughs in AI are leading to sweeping changes in accelerated computing, healthcare, e-commerce, and more. It seems like the possibilities are endless, and the technology is destined to disrupt more and more areas of everyday life.

One application in the AI realm that is often overlooked is voice-recognition technology. But believe it or not, you interact with this feature of AI quite often.

Billionaire venture capitalist Chamath Palihapitiya recently took to X (the social media platform formerly known as Twitter) to predict that applications in voice will be the "front door" to the next frontier of the AI revolution.

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