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3 Scenarios for SunPower Under Trade Tariffs

3 Scenarios for SunPower Under Trade Tariffs

Just as SunPower Corp. (NASDAQ: SPWR) was starting to think it had a strategy built for the modern solar industry, President Trump may throw a wrench in the works. Sometime early in 2018, he will decide whether or not to impose tariffs and other trade restrictions on imported solar panels. If he does, it could impact SunPower in a big way. 

There are a number of potential outcomes on the tariffs question, and with SunPower's stock trading near multiyear lows, it's worth exploring whether the company's future is as dim as investors currently seem to believe.

Image source: SunPower.

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First Solar Inc. Aktie

257,55 €
0,45 %
Die First Solar Inc. Aktie verzeichnet heute einen leichten Gewinn von 0,45 %.
Die First Solar Inc. Aktie steht ausgezeichnet da: Nur Buy-Einschätzungen und keine Sell-Einschätzungen.
Das niedrigere Kursziel von 250 € im Vergleich zum aktuellen Kurs von 257.55 € für First Solar Inc. führt zu einem negativen Potenzial von -2.93%.
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