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3 No-Brainer Cryptos to Buy Before the End of 2023

With the crypto market showing signs of heating up once again, it's time to look for high-upside cryptocurrencies with the potential to skyrocket even higher. The focus here should be on cryptos with solid, long-term growth prospects that can be added to a diversified buy-and-hold portfolio.

With that in mind, I've picked out three no-brainer cryptos to buy before the end of the year: Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC), Solana (CRYPTO: SOL), and XRP (CRYPTO: XRP). Let's take a closer look at each.

Bitcoin has been on a steady march upward throughout the year, but only recently has it really taken off. For the year, Bitcoin is now up more than 160%. Moreover, Bitcoin is currently trading near an 18-month high of $44,000, and just about everyone now expects Bitcoin to climb even higher in 2024.

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