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3 High-Yield Renewable Energy Stocks

3 High-Yield Renewable Energy Stocks

Who says you can't get a high yield investment in the renewable energy business? Sure, the solar and wind power businesses are growing at breakneck paces and require loads of capital to be plowed back into the business, but there are still opportunities for high-yielding investments in this industry if you look in the right places. 

So we asked three of our contributing investors to each highlight a stock they see as a great investment in the renewable energy industry with an enticing payout. Here's why they picked 8point3 Energy Partners (NASDAQ: CAFD), Brookfield Renewable Partners (NYSE: BEP), and Pattern Energy Group (NASDAQ: PEGI)

Image source: Getty Images.

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First Solar Inc. Aktie

259,70 €
0,72 %
First Solar Inc. kann heute leichte Zuwächse vorweisen. Die Aktie notiert im Vergleich zu gestern um 0,72 % höher.
Klare Kaufstimmung: First Solar Inc. hat 42 Buy-Einschätzungen und keine Sell-Einschätzung.
Für First Solar Inc. ergibt sich ein negatives Potenzial von -3.35%, obwohl das Kursziel von 251 € unter dem aktuellen Kurs von 259.7 € liegt.
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