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3 Embarrassingly Cheap Dividend Stocks

3 Embarrassingly Cheap Dividend Stocks

Owning dividend stocks can be a great way to generate cash flow as well as beat the market long-term. And if you own the right dividend stocks you could generate a growing stream of cash flow year after year with no effort at all. 

Not all dividend stocks are cheap or even durable in today's disruptive markets, but 8point3 Energy Partners (NASDAQ: CAFD), AT&T (NYSE: T), and Gaming and Leisure Properties (NASDAQ: GLPI) have businesses that should generate dividends for decades to come and are currently very cheap. 

Image source: Getty Images.

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AT&T Inc.. Aktie

15,95 €
0,38 %
Leichte Gewinne bei der AT&T Inc.. Aktie heute, ein Anstieg um 0,38 %.
Einseitige Zustimmung für AT&T Inc.. mit mehreren Buy- und keiner Sell-Einschätzung.
Die Community prognostiziert für AT&T Inc.. ein Kursziel von 18 €, was einen leichten Anstieg gegenüber 15.95 € darstellt.
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