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3 Dividend Stocks to Buy in Your 30s

3 Dividend Stocks to Buy in Your 30s

When you're in your 30s, it's time to start getting serious about investing for the long haul. You can still afford to ride out the ups and downs of the market, but you also don't have quite as much risk tolerance as you did in your 20s. With that in mind, here are three stocks that could be ideal components of any 30-something's portfolio, followed by a closer look at each one.


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AT&T Inc.. Aktie

16,14 €
-0,46 %
Die AT&T Inc.. Aktie zeigt heute einen leichten Rückgang von -0,46 %.
Die Community bevorzugt AT&T Inc.. mit mehreren Buy-Einschätzungen und keinen Sell-Einschätzungen.
Dadurch ergibt sich bei einem Kursziel von 18 € ein leicht positives Potenzial von 11.55% im Vergleich zum aktuellen Kurs von 16.14 € bei AT&T Inc...
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