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3 Beaten-Up Tech Stocks: Are They Bargains?

3 Beaten-Up Tech Stocks: Are They Bargains?

The tech sector has performed well this past year, for the most part, but that doesn't mean there aren't a few companies that are suffering. Take for instance Verizon Communications (NYSE: VZ), Snap Inc. (NYSE: SNAP), and IBM (NYSE: IBM). Their share prices all fell far below the S&P 500's overall gains of about 17% this year and each is trading at a significant discount compared to their peers.

But that doesn't necessarily make all these stocks a bargain, so let's take a closer look at what's going on with each company and which ones might see their share prices turnaround.

Image source: Getty Images.

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Verizon Communications Inc. Aktie

36,76 €
0,04 %
Die Verizon Communications Inc. Aktie bewegt sich kaum, nur eine Veränderung von 0,04 % seit gestern.
Starke Kaufneigung bei Verizon Communications Inc., mit mehr Buy- als Sell-Einschätzungen.
Für Verizon Communications Inc. ergibt sich ein leicht positives Potenzial, angesichts eines Kursziels von 40 € im Vergleich zu 36.76 €.
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