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2 Stocks With Strong Double-Digit Dividend Growth

2 Stocks With Strong Double-Digit Dividend Growth

Sometimes, dividend investors' focus on stocks with meaningful dividend yields can distract them from promising under-the-radar opportunities for income growth. Case in point: Both Visa (NYSE: V) and Intuit (NASDAQ: INTU) have relatively unimpressive dividend yields, but their dividend growth potential is excellent.

Here's a closer look at each of these dividend stocks, and why income investors may want to consider putting both of these companies on their watch lists.

Image source: Getty Images.

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Visa Inc. A Aktie

257,30 €
0,29 %
Die Visa Inc. A Aktie zeigt heute einen leichten Anstieg von 0,29 %.
Die Community ist sich einig: Visa Inc. A nur mit Buy-Einschätzungen, keine Sell-Einschätzungen.
Das Community-Kursziel von 279 € für Visa Inc. A deutet auf ein leicht positives Wachstumspotenzial gegenüber 257.3 € hin.
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