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26% of Pre-Retiree Couples Intend to Leave the Workforce Together. Should You Stagger Your Retirements or Move Forward at the Same Time?

The decision to retire is one to think about very carefully before moving forward. And if you're married, it's an important one to discuss thoroughly with your spouse.

Data from Ameriprise Financial finds that 26% of pre-retirees intend to retire together. However, 39% are expecting to retire more than a year apart.

And that begs the question: Is it better for you and your partner to retire at the same time? Or should you stagger your respective workforce exits?

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Ameriprise Financial Inc. Aktie

404,90 €
0,60 %
Leicht aufwärts geht es heute für die Ameriprise Financial Inc. Aktie. Seit gestern notiert das Papier um 0,60 % höher.
Mit 10 Buy-Einschätzungen und nur 1 Sell-Einschätzungen steht die Community der Aktie positiv gegenüber.
Ein Kursziel von 410 € für Ameriprise Financial Inc. impliziert ein leicht positives Wachstum gegenüber dem aktuellen Kurs von 404.9 €.
