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1 Reason to Buy Carnival Stock Like There's No Tomorrow, and 1 Reason to Avoid It Like the Plague

's (NYSE: CCL) business was doing well prior to the onset of the pandemic. The public health crisis dealt a blow to the industry, but things are starting to pick up in a big way.

Investors are taking notice. Shares are up 85% just in the past 12 months. However, they remain 76% below their peak price.

As we take a closer look at this cruise line stock, there's one clear reason investors should buy it like there's no tomorrow. However, there is also one must-know factor that will cause you to avoid Carnival shares like the plague.

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Carnival plc Aktie

12,96 €
2,94 %
Ein merklicher Gewinn für Carnival plc heute, der Kurs steigt um 2,94 %.
Die Carnival plc Aktie hat zu wenige Einschätzungen, um eine Tendenz festzustellen.
Die Carnival plc Aktie hat ihr Community-Kursziel von 13 € erreicht, mit einem aktuellen Kurs von 12.96 €.
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