Microsoft selbst warnt vor der Verwendung von Internet Explorer, da er nicht mehr den neuesten Web- und Sicherheitsstandards entspricht. Wir können daher nicht garantieren, dass die Seite im Internet Explorer in vollem Umfang funktioniert. Nutze bitte Chrome oder Firefox.

1 Growth Stock Down 78% to Buy Right Now

(NASDAQ: ETSY) operates an online marketplace for handmade and customizable goods. Sales are down and profits have shrunk. But the company's stock is a buy right now nevertheless.

Long-term Etsy shareholders might grimace at that last statement. Those who bought shares two-and-a-half years ago at their all-time high are down about 78% on their investment -- a poor outcome.

I can't predict when an Etsy investment will pay off. But I believe it will pay off because this great business model produces lots of cash -- cash that management can return to shareholders. And the odds of this scenario playing out favorably for investors appear greater with time.

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Etsy Inc Aktie

63,02 €
0,32 %
Die Etsy Inc Aktie zeigt heute einen leichten Anstieg von 0,32 %.

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