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1 Feature Apple Will Likely Bring to Its 2018 iPhones

1 Feature Apple Will Likely Bring to Its 2018 iPhones

Wireless-chip giant Qualcomm (NASDAQ: QCOM) recently announced a new mobile processor known as the Snapdragon 845. The chip is likely to power most of the major Android-based flagship smartphones that launch over the next year, so the capabilities of the chip give us insight into what features next year's flagship Android devices could include. 

Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL), of course, doesn't use Qualcomm's mobile processors. It designs its own chips, known as the A-series chips, and it doesn't disclose the features of a given processor until it's part of an announced device. 

Nevertheless, the Snapdragon 845 appears to support a feature that this year's A11 Bionic chip doesn't. So it seems likely Apple will build this feature into its A12 chip and thus it will be part of the next-generation iPhones. Let's look at this feature the Snapdragon 845 can handle that the A11 Bionic can't. 

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Apple Inc. Aktie

173,20 €
0,51 %
Apple Inc. kann heute leichte Zuwächse vorweisen. Die Aktie notiert im Vergleich zu gestern um 0,51 % höher.
Die Community bevorzugt leicht Apple Inc., mit etwas mehr Buy- (80) als Sell-Einschätzungen (6).
Ein Kursziel von 199 € für Apple Inc. impliziert ein leicht positives Wachstum gegenüber dem aktuellen Kurs von 173.2 €.
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