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1 Dividend Stock to Buy Hand Over Fist, and 1 to Avoid

If you are looking for dividend income, you might find Annaly Capital Management's (NYSE: NLY) huge 14.2% dividend yield attractive. But you'd be better off buying 's (NYSE: UDR) much smaller 4.6% yield. Here's what you need to know before you end up adding a serial dividend cutter to your portfolio and pass up a historically high yield from a reliable dividend grower.

The chart below tells an important story when comparing Annaly Capital to UDR. Annaly's dividend has been cut multiple times over the past decade, while UDR's has trended slowly higher.

If you are trying to live off the income your portfolio generates, suffering through multiple dividend cuts is kind of counterproductive. A high starting yield doesn't make up for the reduction in income. And, notably, Annaly's stock price has tracked its dividend lower, so investors have also suffered a loss of capital.

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UDR Inc. Aktie

35,52 €
0,37 %
UDR Inc. kann heute leichte Zuwächse vorweisen. Die Aktie notiert im Vergleich zu gestern um 0,37 % höher.
Mehrere Buy-Einschätzungen für UDR Inc., die die Sell-Einschätzungen übersteigen.
Ein leicht positives Potenzial wird für UDR Inc. mit einem Kursziel von 40 € im Vergleich zu 35.52 € gesehen.
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