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1 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Growth Stock Down 54% to Buy Hand Over Fist in 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) could be one of the most transformative technologies in history. Goldman Sachs believes it could add $7 trillion to the global economy over the next decade, and that's conservative compared to other estimates. Ark Investment Management, for example, puts that number at $200 trillion by 2030.

Nearly every technology company is trying to capture a slice of that enormous pie, but some are better positioned than others. (NASDAQ: TEAM) has a 20-year track record of helping businesses boost productivity through its collaborative software platforms like Jira and Confluence.

Now, the company is using that experience to add AI into the mix. Here's why Atlassian could be a great AI stock to buy this year (and beyond), especially because it currently trades at a 54% discount to its all-time high.

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Atlassian Corp. Aktie

167,86 €
-9,27 %
Ein erheblicher Verlust bei Atlassian Corp. heute, um -9,27 %.

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