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Shop Apotheke Europe NV sell DirectorDealer

Start price
27.01.23 / 50%
Target price
Performance (%)
End price
This prediction ended on 28.01.24 with a price of €132.35. The price for Shop Apotheke Europe NV massively increased, which is bad news for the SELL prediction by DirectorDealer. DirectorDealer has a follow-up prediction for Shop Apotheke Europe NV where he still thinks Shop Apotheke Europe NV is a Sell. DirectorDealer has 50% into this prediction

Shop Apotheke Europe is a German-based online pharmacy that operates in the European market, offering a broad range of pharmaceutical products, health and wellness items, and beauty and personal care products. It provides customers with an easy-to-use platform to purchase goods, as well as convenient delivery options. Shop Apotheke Europe has continuously expanded its operations, including through several acquisitions, and has established itself as a leading player in the rapidly-growing market of online pharmacies. The company is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and has a market capitalization of over €1 billion.

Performance without dividends (%)
Name 1w 1m 1y
Shop Apotheke Europe NV 0.669% 0.669% 22.403%
iShares Core DAX® -1.114% 5.062% 24.922%
iShares Nasdaq 100 1.816% 9.828% 29.548%
iShares Nikkei 225® 2.113% 8.218% 22.231%
iShares S&P 500 2.038% 7.448% 30.358%

Comments by DirectorDealer for this prediction

In the thread Shop Apotheke Europe NV diskutieren

Director's Dealing / Insider Verkauf von Holler, Theresa Margarete (Vorstand)

  • Handelstag: 23.01.2023
  • Volumen: 6510 €
  • Meldende_r: Holler, Theresa Margarete

In the thread Trading Shop Apotheke Europe NV
Prediction Sell
Perf. (%) 103.93%
Target price
Ends at 27.01.24

Die von DirectorDealer gewählte maximale Laufzeit wurde überschritten

Current prediction by DirectorDealer for Shop Apotheke Europe NV

Shop Apotheke Europe NV

Start price
Target price
Perf. (%)