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Deutsche Bank AG buy Gimker

Start price
18.07.24 / 50%
Target price
Performance (%)
End price
This prediction ended on 19.08.24 with a price of €14.05. With a performance of -7.38%, the BUY prediction for Deutsche Bank AG by Gimker closed slightly in the red. Gimker has 50% into this prediction

Deutsche Bank (Symbol DB) is a multinational investment bank and financial services organization with headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany. It offers financial advice to corporate clients and institutional investors and is involved in global markets and commercial banking, asset management, and private wealth management. With a presence in over 60 countries, Deutsche Bank is one of the largest international banking institutions in the world. The company has faced controversies in recent years, including fines for money laundering, and has undertaken significant restructuring efforts.

Performance without dividends (%)
Name 1w 1m
Deutsche Bank AG 0.192% 0.192%
iShares Core DAX® 2.275% 4.627%
iShares Nasdaq 100 6.015% 2.007%
iShares Nikkei 225® 4.456% 3.598%
iShares S&P 500 4.061% 2.876%

Comments by Gimker for this prediction

In the thread Trading Deutsche Bank AG
Prediction Buy
Perf. (%) -7.38%
Target price
Ends at 18.08.24

Die von Gimker gewählte maximale Laufzeit wurde überschritten