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Chainlink buy OldOrangeEyes

Start price
26.06.22 / 50%
Target price
Performance (%)
End price
This prediction ended on 03.03.23 with a price of €6.46. With a performance of -2.42%, the BUY prediction for Chainlink by OldOrangeEyes closed slightly in the red. OldOrangeEyes has 50% into this prediction

Chainlink is a decentralized oracle network that connects smart contracts on blockchains like Ethereum with real-world data and events. Essentially, it is a way for blockchain to access external data in a secure and reliable way.

The main applications of Chainlink include:

1. Decentralized finance (DeFi): Chainlink is commonly used by DeFi protocols to obtain real-time price feeds for cryptocurrencies, stablecoins, and other assets.

2. Insurance: Insurance policies are executed on smart contracts, and Chainlink provides the necessary data to trigger payouts based on real-world events.

3. Gaming: Chainlink can be used in gaming to provide random numbers and other data that determines game outcomes.

4. Supply chain management: Chainlink can be used to verify the authenticity of products through data on the supply chain.

5. Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs): DAOs use Chainlink to retrieve data related to voting and governance decisions.

Overall, Chainlink's main application is in providing real-world data to blockchain systems and creating secure connections between them.

Performance without dividends (%)
Name 1w 1m 1y
Chainlink -4.050% -4.050% 62.023%
iShares Core DAX® -3.429% 3.133% 15.455%
iShares Nasdaq 100 -6.121% -1.433% 16.794%
iShares Nikkei 225® -7.364% 1.018% 8.293%
iShares S&P 500 -4.366% 0.247% 18.541%

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